What if there really was no time
And you got to do whatever made your heart sing
Just because
What if you listened to the part of you that knows
that age and dates and calendars were made up by humans
so they could keep track and name things
and put things on lists so that they would not forget
such things like numbers and years and information
But that part of you does forget.
She runs free when she is supposed to sit still
And she laughs when she’s supposed to keep quiet,
And you’re glad that she still remembers.
She finds that knowing in the color you let her choose
when you close your eyes and ask the
numbered-one to stay quiet for a bit
So she can sing
She is shy.
She always has been.
She was the kid who took ‘the longest they have ever
seen anyone’ learn how to tell time,
And she carried that with her to show them
Job after job and paper after paper,
Until finally she broke free.
And the age of her knowing bothered her for some while
Until she remembered to forget about time